Monday, March 26, 2007

No coffee for us!

In Mayor Katz's recent "tidbits" he talks about advocating for a Starbucks. He "wrote letter's to the company executives". In Teaneckprogress, Swurgle talks about a Starbucks. Her headline, "The topic I won't shut up about". What is so special about Starbucks? Last I checked, a town is not defined by their overpriced lousy coffee joint. Is this really what Teaneck residents want? What stores do we need in our business districts? In a community that has shown that they are divided about the "Blue Laws", how can a coffee house unite us? I think we should reject Starbucks and boycott. They don't want Teaneck, no, Teaneck doesn't want Starbucks. Let's focus our energy on stores that are interested in Teaneck. How many towns in NJ with a population of 40,000 people, can boast a Hospital, University , Hotel and Golf Course?
We may not have Starbucks, but we have Butterflake & Bischoffs.
Two prominent merchants in Teaneck for over 45 years.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Starbucks. Coffee houses are places where people can gather and many people from all walks of life enjoy a cup of some hot beverage they would serve. So yes, Starbucks.

Anonymous said...

Teaneck may not need a Starbucks but I for one would rather have one than another Kosher store or jew wig store or nail salon!

Anonymous said...

Teaneck Talk is prejudiced against good coffee; Karin is prejudiced against Jews.So much for Teaneck being an open-minded cosmopolitan community.

Anonymous said...

Mr Starbuck-
Not prejudiced against jews...just sick and tired of having to drive in traffic to do my shopping when I used to be able to shop on Cedar Lane..alas since I am not jewish 99% of the stores sell nothing that I need...
Perhaps you "love" the kosher crap on the Lane and frequent the stores but alas many of us non-jews are tired of the "jewishness" of the Lane!

Anonymous said...

i was aklways told that racists, bigots and ignorant people are better left ignored, but i never listen.

apparently you have no concept of economics. "many of us non-jews" never shopped on cedar lane, so the stores could not stay open. the jewish people apparantly do, so economics says stores that catered to those shoppers did a magical thing... they opened a business.

lets move on from trying to blame the jews for teanecks trouble. tnb tried that and failed.

Anonymous said...

stop blaming the jews...

I never said that the Lanes issues where all the jews fault...I stated that I am sick and tired of everything being "jewish" on the Lane...they are catering to a section of the town so the rest of us have to go elsewhere to shop!

As I told visitors from Germany this week when they saw the Lane and all the shops on the way to the train in wont find anything in the shops for us...they cater to the jews in town and not anybody else..if you want to shop we will have to go to the Malls (sad)..but then what do you except for a town that has the nickname of "little israel"?!?!

Anonymous said...


I doubt your German visitors are anti-semitic like you.

Anonymous said...

And yet again, this is why we never get anywhere in Teaneck. Starbucks is a big name business regardless of their price or quality concerns. They want to come in to the town and hopefully bring some much needed revenue. Now you have all of the nea-sayers trying to complain that they are not the "type" of store you want. Well, you can't have it both ways!

Then, many of you are against the "Jewishness" of Cedar lane. It seems like if you have such a desire for more non-Jewish stores you should either:

a) Open one yourself
b) Petition a company for one

And last time I checked, Starbucks, as well as the other Jewish stores on Cedar Lane all service non-Jews as well. Never knew that hamburgers and turkey sandwiches were to be eaten by only Jews. If you want cheaper food, drive to one of the 5000 fast food restaurants that serve food at 1/3 the price. Or simply go to the dozens of non-kosher restaurants in town.

Seems to me this is another case of reverse bias. (see teaneckprogress for full comments). Buck up camper, you are in one of the extremely few towns that have kosher food. Too bad that you can't get over your own hatred to see how ridiculous your arguments are. You can eat and shop ANYWHERE, but you are upset at the 15 places that we can only eat within 50 miles?

If you don't like it, open up your own place or get someone else to. If you won't do that you have no right to complain.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard the rumor that Wal-Mart is looking at the soap factory property on Palisades since it is zoned as an industrial site?

Anonymous said...

Enough hatred -- we're getting a Starbucks, according to Teaneck Progress. I really hope it's true this time. As I said in my prior post, we can ALL enjoy an overpriced hot beverage of choice at Starbucks!

Anonymous said...

Kudos mr. starbuck!

Karin, what stores specifically did the Jews take over on Cedar Lane that you frequented? AND what store specifically would you want to open up to do your shopping in?


Anonymous said...

List of Cedar Lane businesses:

$.99 Max
Alex's Closet Fine Clothing
Alex's Closet Fine Clothing Boutique
Amazing Savings
Angelo's Tailoring
Animation Children's Toys & Books
Aquarius Health Foods
B. Dinelli for Hair
B.L.D. Fine Art Gallery
Back In Touch
Basilica Hair Salon
Blockbuster Video
Body Shapers
Brier Rose Books
Buddy's Sports Corner
Castillo Salon
Cedar Lane Cinemas
Cedar Lane Flower Shoppe
Cedar Lane Furs
Chonji Academy - Martial Arts
Classy Nails
Computer Systems & Solutions
Curves For Women
2 CVS Pharmacies
Dance/Art Creative Center
"Dr. K. M. Ehrmann, Chiropractic"
"Dr. Shalom Mehler, DMD"
"Dr. Steve Lavitan, Accupunture/Chiropractic"
Elite Hair
Elite Nails
Fancy Delights
Fancy Delights Candy
Farfellina Children's Clothes
Fifth Ave Haircutters
Hair Master West
Interchange Bank
International Beauty Supply and Salon
Joann Nails
Judaica House
Lakeland Bank/TD Bank North
Lark Street Music
Le Chocolat
Le Sabon
Manor Shoes
Marburn Curtain Warehouse
Marlon by Mishoe Wig Boutique
Money Mailer of Mid-Bergen County
"Movers & Shakers Dance, Fittness & Leisurewear"
My Fair Lady
Nail Garden
New To You Clothing Women's Consignment
NVE Bank
Oritani Savings Bank
Rainbow Watches and Jewelry
Raven Hair and Nails
Rocklin's Papers / Cards
Sareka Boutique
Shear Design Hair Salon
Simply The Best Clothing
Sterling Clinic
Teaneck Nails
The Provident Savings Bank
The Skein Attraction
Todo Florist
Transformations Hair Salon
Tsfat Gallery
Washington Mutual Bank
Zoldan's Judaica Center

List of Restaurants / Take-Out:

Annapurna Indian Grocery- (non-kosher)
Aquarius Health Foods
B&B Cafe
Bischoff's - Confectioners/ Ice Cream Parlor- (non-kosher)
Butterflake Bakery
Cafe Adam
Cedar Lane Grill- (non-kosher)
Coliseum Pizzeria- (non-kosher)
Duomo Italian Restaurant- (non-kosher)
Empire Hunan II- (non-kosher)
Esme Bistro
Fancy Delights
Five Star Coffee Shop- (non-kosher)
Geronimo! Hot Spot- (non-kosher)
International House of Pancakes- (non-kosher)
Kentucky Fried Chicken- (non-kosher)
Limone's Farm- (non-kosher)
Louie's Charcoal Pit- (non-kosher)
Ma'adan Glatt Kosher
New Asia Chinese Takeout- (non-kosher)
Noah's Ark
Pizza Crave
Sababa Grill
Shelly's Vegetarian Restaurant
Subway- (non-kosher)
Taipei Noodle House- (non-kosher)
Three Star Bagels & Restaurant- (non-kosher)
Veggie Heaven Restaurant- (non-kosher to most)
Victor's Pizzeria & Italian Restaurant- (non-kosher)

12 kosher to 19 Non-kosher Restaurants

esther said...

I'm sick and tired of all the stores in Teaneck that cater to guitarists. What about the needs of accordionists!

As I told visitors from Poland this wont find anything in the shops for us...they cater to the guitarists in town and not anybody else..if you want to shop we will have to go to Castelfidardo, Italy or New Braunfels, Texas :( ..but then what do you except for a town that has the nickname of "gitbox city"?!?!

Anonymous said...

Bravo Swurgle!

Anonymous said...

Morpheus, it takes a lot of nerve to introduce facts into this discussion. Facts have a well known liberal bias (some maintain that the Jews invented facts in an ill-fated attempt to combat anti-Semitism) and insightful people like Karin know that.

Anonymous said...

I doubt your German visitors are anti-semitic like you.

Actually you would be mistaken...they are quite anti-semitic and seeing the Lane as it is does not change their minds!
As to my why am I anti-semitic..becuase I am tired of seeing Kosher and jew stores all over the place as if I was in Israel instead of the USA?!?!

Anonymous said...

oh swurgle...come on "little israel" caters to your need to go to Texas

Anonymous said...

Who is Karin? What is she doing in Teaneck?

esther said...

Disguested asked

Who is Karin? What is she doing in Teaneck?

Karin is a part of the gorgeous mosiac that is Teaneck.

Anonymous said...

Whatever a mosiac is, she seems to be anti-mosiac.

Anonymous said...

Karin's hatred exists to remind us to that we must love.

Anonymous said...

Haterd..what the heck are you folks talking about?
Just becuase I am not rah-rah on kosher everything nor do I care for 99% of the stores on the Lane I hate jews now??
You guys really need to grow up...not everyone likes kosher this and that or cares that 99% of the stores on the Lane caters to the jewish crowd!

Anonymous said...

Why don't we start a petition to get an accordian store on Cedar Lane?

Anonymous said...


I moved into town 15 years ago and Cedar Lane had exactly 2 Kosher restaurants and one Judaica shop. No one would have ever confused it with a booming commercial district in those days. The store sizes are too small, parking too difficult and probably a host of other reasons why the street never evolved past a largely unappealing mix of Mom & Pop stores.

The Jews may be responsible for global warming and the failure of Eli Manning to develop into a top flight NFL QB. Cedar Lane - you'll have to blame someone else.

Anonymous said...

Karin, karin, karin...

We live in a world where only 1/10th of 1% is Jewish. As of 2003 there were 13.3 million Jews in the world; about the same as the population city of New York. That's it! You happen to live in a very Jewish town now. 99.9999999% of everything is non-Jewish, you just happen to live in a town who's main street has many Jewish stores, although it is not 99% as you sugges as you can clearly see by my previous post.

You haven't answered my question about what stores you would like to see or stores that have been pushed out. I would submit that without the "Jewish" businesses, Cedar Lane would be even more depressed. The simple fact of the matter is that we HAVE to go to those shops because it is the only place for us to eat or buy Judaica. You, frankly, can go anywhere you want. If you want to complain, it really is quite ignorant of you to not realize how your spewing hartred instead of a rational argument leads to a lack of understanding and cooperation. Please answer the questions and perhaps we can have a productive discussion. But it seems to me that your point is only to inflame rather than to solve.

esther said...

polkageist said...
Why don't we start a petition to get an accordian store on Cedar Lane?

Here's a link to the AAA (American Accordionist Association) Website. I urge everyone contact the honchos at the AAA and demand an accordion store for Teaneck.

Anonymous said...

Karin, do you still believe that Jews don't value human life? It seems that you have a very strange view of logic.

Interested to hear what tidbits of expertise on Jewish law you have.

Anonymous said...

Karin, do you still believe that Jews don't value human life? It seems that you have a very strange view of logic.

what does this have to do with anything?? And no I do not think that jews value human life..heck they allow and condone abortions...but that is a different topic and has nothing to do with Cedar Lane!

Interested to hear what tidbits of expertise on Jewish law you have.

What does jewish law have to do with Cedar Lane??

Anonymous said...

I would submit that without the "Jewish" businesses, Cedar Lane would be even more depressed.

Ok I give you that one!

The simple fact of the matter is that we HAVE to go to those shops because it is the only place for us to eat or buy Judaica.

Hmm...gosh what did YOU do before all the kosher/jew stuff moved into town?? Did you go without or did you perhaps have to go to NYC or other towns to do your shopping??

You, frankly, can go anywhere you want. If you want to complain, it really is quite ignorant of you to not realize how your spewing hartred instead of a rational argument leads to a lack of understanding and cooperation.

Yes I can and do go to other towns to shop...but I would love to frequent the local businesses but alas there is no draw there for me or the family.
Now what hatred am I spewing?? Is it the fact that I am not rah-rah on jewish/kosher stores that makes what I say hatred???

Please answer the questions and perhaps we can have a productive discussion. But it seems to me that your point is only to inflame rather than to solve.

Inflame whom? I am pointing out that IMHO (in my humble opinion) there is too much jew on Cedar Lane and hence caters to a very small bunch of folks in this town...and the rest of us are screwed and have to travel out of our own town to do shopping!

Anonymous said...

Karin, you said that the shops cater to a small group in town. On the contrary, it is a very large segment of this town. In fact, if you take the Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps for example, the percentage of Religious Jews who actively ride is over 70%. Apparently the businesses are being supported by this "small" group.

"what did YOU do before all the kosher/jew stuff moved into town?"

The population was mostly non-orthodox. As more people moved in, naturally the shops followed, duh!

Yes I can and do go to other towns to shop...but I would love to frequent the local businesses but alas there is no draw there for me or the family.
Now what hatred am I spewing?? Is it the fact that I am not rah-rah on jewish/kosher stores that makes what I say hatred??? "

OK, you are all over the map. You are denying one simple fact, YOU CAN go anywhere, whilst we CANNOT. Your being upset that the whole entire world, and Teaneck in specific, is not entirely catered to you is really ridiculous. You still have not answered the question... What store would you like and/or what stores were taken away by "Jew stores".

Your frequent use of a pejorative "Jew" indicates your true hatred, or sheer ignorance. I hope it is simply ignorance.

"there is too much jew on Cedar Lane and hence caters to a very small bunch of folks in this town...and the rest of us are screwed and have to travel out of our own town to do shopping!"

SCREWED?! Are you daft?! Are you upset that you can't go to downtown Teaneck to get something or are you simply upset at the fact that there is "too much Jew"? Seems to me that your dream downtown would be to remove ANYTHING Jewish at all. Nice. While I support your feeling of bringing revenue to town by buying local, it seems like your solution (mind you, you haven't answered the question yet) is based on hate rather than logic.

"allow and condone abortions"

Seriously, you are completely out of context. If for the life of the mother is in question, yes. If someone just feels like getting one, no. Conclusions like you have, which are talking points by ill-informed anti-semites, show how you have no desire to look into facts or law. This says a lot.

Anonymous said...


you mentioned jews valuing human life...hence my aboriton comment.

I see I was sorry I see that you are correct the shops cater to a LARGE group in town...and to hell with everyone else.

And you are denying that YOU can also go ANYWHERE...all kosher/jew shops need not be located on the LANE...YOU can do what you used to do before Teaneck became "little Israel"..I guess you guys missed that point too???

And I am screwed because outside of an icecream cone, ball or two of yarn or an RX at CVS, Cedar Lane has nothing for the non-jew so that is what I am upset about..not the "jewness" but the lack of un-jewness on the Lane!

Anonymous said...

Thank God there is only one Karin in Teaneck! More than that and the township would turn to muck.

Anonymous said...

Thank God that there is more than just one of me in Teaneck...can you imagine what would occur otherwise :)

And if you had not noticed this town is already headed to hell in a handbasket...taxes outta here, schools that suck, etc.etc.

Anonymous said...

Karin, you don,t like pizza , pancakes sucshi or chinese food !!!

Sounds like your on a limit diet.
Do you drink at Geronimo,s or you do not like there crowd either.

Anonymous said...

anon wrote: Karin, you don,t like pizza , pancakes sucshi or chinese food !!!

lets see the pizza on Cedar Lane is FOUL, IHOP has nasty food would rather have my pancakes up at Ridgewood and sushi on Cedar Lane...hmmm makes me think I would have to visit HNH after eating it!

anon wrote:
Sounds like your on a limit diet.
Do you drink at Geronimo,s or you do not like there crowd either.

Geronimo's nope dont drink their either...not my type of folks or crowd and as to my diet actually I have a very deversified 5 star diet but Cedar Lane only offers 1-2 star food.
But I guess for folks that are used to eating "swill" or dont have better tastes Cedar Lane is pretty good (sad)

Anonymous said...

Okay, a more light-hearted question into the monologue of hatred here, albeit not about coffee (one of my favorite subjects).

How many Judaica shops does one town need? Are people in constant need of replacing or upgrading their Judaica? I know that one might need to replace some items regularly (e.g., candles), but how often might one get something else?

I always smile when I pass the Judaica shops on Cedar Lane, all in a row a few doors apart. Does the competition help to lower prices, or do they sell different things?

And no, I'm not supporting the mean-spirited viewpoint being espoused by one poster in this thread. I ask these questions out of curiosity and nothing more.

Anonymous said...

How many Judaica shops does one town need?

good question...would also love to know how many nail salons we need in one town?!

Anonymous said...

How many Judaica shops does one town need?

good question...would also love to know how many nail salons we need in one town?!

Anonymous said...

they all seem to pay the steep rents, don't they?

Anonymous said...

As far as judaica, we have umpteen holidays, which all require different items that people usually get every year as well as cd's. Also, the pursuit of Torah study is the main focus in Orthodox life, therefore books are constantly being published and purchased.

In other words, one is necessary, two are nice, a third- who knows.

Anonymous said...


What stores would you approve of on Cedar Lane and/or what stores were replaced by Jewish stores that you are upset about?

Do I really have to ask a 5th time? Since no food establishment is up to your epicurean standards, are you hoping for Wolfgang Puck?

Anonymous said...

What stores would you approve of on Cedar Lane and/or what stores were replaced by Jewish stores that you are upset about?

well lets see..some of the stores that downtown Ridgewood has would be nice in Teaneck (GAP, a real bookstore would be nice (along with the used book store), sporting store, upscale clothing, shoes etc. garden center (Lemoines weed shop does not cut it),how is that?

Since no food establishment is up to your epicurean standards, are you hoping for Wolfgang Puck?

Oh please not many folks eat on Cedar Lane if they have any taste buds in their mouths or if they have HIGH standards in food/service etc.

Anonymous said...

Disgusted asked ...

Who is Karin? What is she doing in Teaneck?

A quick google search shows that Karin seems to be quite a busy blogger, posting messaging as Karin and as austrianbumb. Here is a pair of links to back this up: and

Additionally, the references to abortion in this thread can be tracked down to a post a post made by austrianbumb at It seems that Morpheus has done his homework.

The following link will take you to a post was made by austrianbumb on Joe Grossberg's blog on July 11, 2006 @ 8:19 PM . Check it out at

Apparently, Jewish stores are not the only thing Karin would like get rid of in Teaneck.

Anonymous said...

Who is Karin and why does she still live in Teaneck??? This town has prided itself for being a diverse community since the 60's. It's a reason why many families moved here to begin with. Diversity, very good public schools and the close proximity to NYC. Location alone wasn't enough, as there are towns closer to the City with lower taxes.

Anonymous said...

Karin has to look at herself in the mirror and try to sleep at night. With a mind set like that i doubt if she can do either. That is enough punishment for me.
Plus surrounded by so many sucessful people like us...that must be very painfull for her..

Anonymous said...

Actually I sleep very soundly at night...but thanks for the concern :)
As to succesful people...well if you consider I can live in Teaneck, own my homein town and a weekend house in th emountains and send my kids to private school and be reitred for the past 8 years (gasp and I aint even 40 yet)...I guess I am very succesful :)

As to Teaneck being devirsified...not have the blacks in one area, the jews in another and the whites in yet another...none mix and we all try to avoid each other...also lets look at the schools...not many whites or jews in them now are there..wonder why???

Anonymous said...

My question is: why is Karin allowed to continue to post her racist monologues here? Free speech is one thing, but she has crossed the line. She used to post anonymously on some of the Teaneck blogs, too. Go back and look at Teaneck Progress posts about civil unions and I think you'll notice a striking similarity.

The moderator can be sued for allowing this kind of stuff -- it's got to stop.

Anonymous said...

Java said: "post her racist monologues here"

Racist monologues??? What the heck are you talking about?
I questioned a poster who stated Teaneck was diversified...and I pointed out the error of the statment as I and others see it.
As to racist comments...have not made a single one would seem that some folks dont like it when others question WHY Cedar Lane has been taken over by a certain group nor do they like it when it is pointed out that our schools and town really are not as mixed as some would like us to think.
Java I think you need to pull your head outta your ass and take a really good look at Teaneck it is not the utopia of the 60's nor is it anything like what it was when I grew up here...alot has changed and not for the better...

Anonymous said...

Java said: "The moderator can be sued for allowing this kind of stuff -- it's got to stop."

Hmm...highly doubt it...but nice scare tactics Java

Anonymous said...

basta said: "Who is Karin and why does she still live in Teaneck???"

Who am I ..lets see a reitred mom of two great kids with a loving and adoring husband.
Why am i still here...why not?

Anonymous said...

The woman who sued Orthomom for allowing critical comments about her has been forced out of running for re-election to the schoolboard of her town by the unpopularity of her action. Hateful as Karin Bumser may be, free speech is free speech.

Anonymous said...


you did not respond to the comment about the ambulance being 70% religious jewish. Please call the teaneck police and apply 201-837-2600 (they will transfer you) It appears as if you have a lot of time on your hands and you stated you are retired. I believe there are several older females on the squad.
Help diversify the place. Or else when you get sick/ hurt, 3 orthodox jewish people may be coming to your door in the middle of the night (its the one with the swastika, right?) I for one will show up, regardless of who is living inside.

and for all those out there, check out austrianbumb on

We need bill brennan on this blog!!

Anonymous said...

Karin's latest pose as a German contrasts with her past assertion of being Austrian. Austrian-ness seems to involve being German when that is convenient and being Austrian when that is more convenient.

Anonymous said...

If you want to know what bumbsen is in German, google.

Anonymous said...

what about the TVAC...what is your point? Do they own buildings on the Lane? Or a business?

As to volunteering my time to them..nah...I dont care to hang out in dark & dank my volunteer schedule is pretty full already :)

And nope I am not posing as a German/Kraut..I stated that Germans are here visiting us...anon..I suggest that you learn how to read the english language but if you prefer I can switch to german if it will make it easier for you or ebonics perhaps is moer in your line :)

Anonymous said...

I support Karin's ability to speak her mind, as ill-fated as that may be for her. I give her credit for not hiding from her opinions. At least you know where she comes from.

On that note Karin, I find it funny that you say that you on one hand would not eat at any place on cedar lane, but on the other you are not satisfied with Kosher establishments either. I understand that your point, which is probably lost in translation, is that SINCE there are few, if any, stores on cedar lane that you would frequent your business, you would like all of them replaced with high-priced retail stores, boutiques, and posh eateries. While that is nice, and may be a semi-goal for some, I think that if you want that why not move to Ridgewood since your kids go to private school anyway? Teaneck will never be Ridgewood.

As to your point, "Teaneck it is not the utopia of the 60's nor is it anything like what it was when I grew up here...alot has changed and not for the better"
I agree and I disagree. I agree that it is not a utopia, and frankly it is because of people like you who rather than try and solve these issues, try to divide because they are already that way; why change? But also, each groups lack of involvement in the basic levels such as the education system, almost all Orthodox go to private schools, and since the "Jewish" areas of town are mostly in the virtual color segregated sections of town, the population of white public school students (if I may be so bold) was simply replaced by Orthodox Jews, who simply don't send to public. Many kids from all racial groups go to private schools in the area, and that will be a problem for the system down the road. I said to Mr. White many years back, I hope the high school doesn't head towards East side high before Joe Clark.

I haven't been back to the school in a few years, but it seems to be heading in decline, as are most U.S. schools. I understand why many would view this as racist, or biased, but it is clearly the demographics of a shifting town population. I agree with you that the town is still segmented to a large degree. However, this wasn't promulgated by Jews, nor would the expansion of people into different "zones" be a causality of hatred. In this town, as far as the Orthodox goes, we move in relation to synagogues (because we have to walk to them), and we desire to be within an eruv (basically a line around an area so we can carry stuff, use strollers, etc. on the Sabbath) If the eruv extended into North-East Teaneck, the properties were a little more open and "rowed", and a shul large enough to accommodate, the Orthodox would move there too. Our positioning has to do with tangible requirements as far as I can see. The question is, why haven't you seen the white community take it upon yourself to join north-east Teaneck? It is sad that this apparent racism still exists, but Karin, it seems as though you kind of agree with the segregation?

I also found it funny that you separated the Jewish from the white population in your delegated area map. Just an observation.

Anonymous said...

Morpheus said...

On that note Karin, I find it funny that you say that you on one hand would not eat at any place on cedar lane, but on the other you are not satisfied with Kosher establishments either. I understand that your point, which is probably lost in translation, is that SINCE there are few, if any, stores on cedar lane that you would frequent your business, you would like all of them replaced with high-priced retail stores, boutiques, and posh eateries.

Yes that is about correct...well replace all but Bischoff's...I do like their icecream.

While that is nice, and may be a semi-goal for some, I think that if you want that why not move to Ridgewood since your kids go to private school anyway? Teaneck will never be Ridgewood.

Nope Teaneck will never be Ridgewood...but it does not need to be a ghetto either..there should be a way to please everyone and not just ONE group.

As to your point, "Teaneck it is not the utopia of the 60's nor is it anything like what it was when I grew up here...alot has changed and not for the better"
I agree and I disagree. I agree that it is not a utopia, and frankly it is because of people like you who rather than try and solve these issues, try to divide because they are already that way; why change?

I am all for solving the issue(s)
but I wont sugar coat what I think to please a few folks!

But also, each groups lack of involvement in the basic levels such as the education system, almost all Orthodox go to private schools, and since the "Jewish" areas of town are mostly in the virtual color segregated sections of town, the population of white public school students (if I may be so bold) was simply replaced by Orthodox Jews, who simply don't send to public. Many kids from all racial groups go to private schools in the area, and that will be a problem for the system down the road. I said to Mr. White many years back, I hope the high school doesn't head towards East side high before Joe Clark.

Even in the 80's there where less whites in the schools...and this is an issue...the level of education for what we as taxpayers pay is not there...and then you have the blatant racial issues in the schools...these too need to be solved!

I haven't been back to the school in a few years, but it seems to be heading in decline, as are most U.S. schools. I understand why many would view this as racist, or biased, but it is clearly the demographics of a shifting town population. I agree with you that the town is still segmented to a large degree.


However, this wasn't promulgated by Jews, nor would the expansion of people into different "zones" be a causality of hatred. In this town, as far as the Orthodox goes, we move in relation to synagogues (because we have to walk to them), and we desire to be within an eruv (basically a line around an area so we can carry stuff, use strollers, etc. on the Sabbath) If the eruv extended into North-East Teaneck, the properties were a little more open and "rowed", and a shul large enough to accommodate, the Orthodox would move there too. Our positioning has to do with tangible requirements as far as I can see. The question is, why haven't you seen the white community take it upon yourself to join north-east Teaneck? It is sad that this apparent racism still exists, but Karin, it seems as though you kind of agree with the segregation?

Thank you for explaining the evru and the "jewish" reasoning for being in certain areas...this does make the situation a bit more understandable.
As to why I do not move into the Bryant School area...please you are joking right??? The whole area carries a look of run down homes where it would seem not many folks care about their homes but what sits in their driveways!

I also found it funny that you separated the Jewish from the white population in your delegated area map. Just an observation.

Well i thought it was a given we really do have several groups in town..jewish which really keep to themselves..blacks and whites (non jews)...and a few asians here and there.

Anonymous said...

Karin, thank you for explaining your position. I may not agree with everything you say, but your opinions, which may have been easily misunderstood over a blog-type situation, are not coming across as harshly as before.

I hope you take my words with sincerity and not anger. I simply disagree that Cedar Lane caters to just one group. As you can clearly see by a previous post, the number of "Jewish catered" businesses are less than half. There are many, but only 2 (the Judaica stores) are what I would consider niche; Kosher food can be enjoyed by all, to the detriment of their wallets.

For a very good meal on Cedar Lane, Karin, I honestly would suggest Esme at Esme... Really great steak and a Manhattan restaurant atmosphere.

As to the future development of Cedar Lane, I happen to like what Englewood has done. I know my wife would have loved a NY and Co. on Cedar Lane. Let's work together to make Teaneck's downtown a viable business district where Jewish stores and high revenue retail outlets can live in harmony!

Anonymous said...

I also give Karin credit for speaking her mind.

On the other hand, a person who says provocative things that could be contrued as hate speech should to be careful to protect their identity. A quick peek on the internet reveals Karin's full name, the name of her two kids (plus photos), the names of her current and former husband, her birthdate, phone number and address, how she addresses her grandmother (ironically, the same way I address my grandmother) and the fact that her house is owned by a testamentary trust which I think means that she inherited it when someone died.

She also seems to have a long history of irritating people online. She's been banned from several websites, including one devoted to discussions about Catholicism.

I say we embrace Karin for all of her Karin-ness. After all, it's better the devil you know.

Anonymous said...

"well replace all but Bischoff's...I do like their icecream"

German ice-cream? Yum. I'll take mine without the mustache please.

Anonymous said...

Does Naomi Cramer work for The Surburbanite????? Often inaccurate and constant attacks.Whos ever payroll she is on.. please fire her.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 9:34-

Write a letter to the Suburbanite with your complaint. I'm very sure they'll publish whatever you write, just like they publish her letters. This week's letter, however, was one of her better efforts.

Anonymous said...

naomi is no friend of israel's!

Anonymous said...

I too thank Karin for speaking her mind.
I quite agree with her.

You got something against Naomi?

davert said...

How does Starbucks bring more revenue than locally owned coffee shops? (And last time I looked, we DID have them. Not all Jewish, either, if you've heard of Bischoff's.) We get some low-wage server jobs and the money is sent to Seattle. Locally owned business is the way to thrive.

I regret seeing talk on here that would make Henry Ford and Adolph Hitler swell with pride. Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves.

And as for the viability of Cedar Lane, the inane changes to the streets and sidewalks didn't help - did they learn nothing from anyone?

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Starbucks is in fact opening in Teaneck????

I know Dunkin is opening on Cedar about Starbucks?