Sunday, March 4, 2007

Love Is In The Air

Last week's Planning Board meeting was different from all the rest! My friends in attendance thought it was a rather positive meeting . Everyone had the opportunity to give input as the chair allowed open dialogue from the audience. There was so much participation throughout the meeting that during the "good and welfare" portion, no speakers got up to comment. It appears that the Planning Board is headed in the right direction towards a process that will provide us with a master plan that is reflective of our collective opinions and views. Members of the Teaneck Coalition against Change and Progress were present and gave a tremendous amount of positive input as well. Former Mayor Jackie Kates, who is typically known for her sour grapes and anti-everything, also contributed constructively. The Planning Board members seemed to work in sync with each other and were not grandstanding or showboating for publicity as some have been accused of in the past. Keep up the great job.....I enjoy seeing peace,love and harmony.

There will be another Town Hall Meeting 7:00PM on Monday, March 5th at the Rhodda Center.

1 comment:

esther said...

I agree. If you look at who the hostile and vindictive people are on these blogs it's the people who are aggressively in favor of development. I think these attacks on individuals and demonizing of "greenies" do a disservice to the pro-development position.