Monday, March 26, 2007

No coffee for us!

In Mayor Katz's recent "tidbits" he talks about advocating for a Starbucks. He "wrote letter's to the company executives". In Teaneckprogress, Swurgle talks about a Starbucks. Her headline, "The topic I won't shut up about". What is so special about Starbucks? Last I checked, a town is not defined by their overpriced lousy coffee joint. Is this really what Teaneck residents want? What stores do we need in our business districts? In a community that has shown that they are divided about the "Blue Laws", how can a coffee house unite us? I think we should reject Starbucks and boycott. They don't want Teaneck, no, Teaneck doesn't want Starbucks. Let's focus our energy on stores that are interested in Teaneck. How many towns in NJ with a population of 40,000 people, can boast a Hospital, University , Hotel and Golf Course?
We may not have Starbucks, but we have Butterflake & Bischoffs.
Two prominent merchants in Teaneck for over 45 years.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Election Cake by Teaneck New Beginnings

Serving Suggested 40,000 people


1 Active Controversial New Beginnings Candidate
1 Unknown "No Baggage" Candidate
1 Credible Candidate from the Northeast

Bunch of attack letters
Several quarts of divisive inflammatory emails
Teaspoon of followers
Dash of anger
Tablespoon of mistruths
Multiple cups of forum sandbagging plants
Ounce of credibility to sell the cake
Sour concentrate

Step one--Interview all candidates
Determine who will follow TNB ideas
Assemble 3 candidates together

1 stale angry greenie

Directions: Place all ingredients in large Teaneck bowl, attack credible candidates, write inaccurate letters to the editors, sprinkle on top selfish motivations, thaw residents that were active in 1980's, use pointer finger to place blame on everyone else as a distraction,
pour over all negative statements, lay it on thick, stir the pot...repeat last 4 steps as necessary until proper consistency is achieved.

Preheat oven and bake dedicated, public servants until burnt.

Serve to the educated Teaneck public and see if they buy it!!!

This cake may be prepared in advance. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve for Board of Education and Council Elections.

Makes for great conversation around town.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

All Want A Bite of The Apple..But Who Will Save Some $$$

The Board of Education election is less then four weeks away and what do we really know about the candidates that will be controlling the bulk of the taxpayers dollars. There are two incumbents and three new comers. The incumbent are Dr. Henry Pruit who is finishing his first term and Barbara Ostroth a veteran, who has been on for several years. Then there is Sabastian Rodrigez who is running for the third time (both prior times unsuccessful), Margot Fischer a name closely associated with the losing New Beginnings ticket and Dr. Kate Zatz a relatively unknown. What are their issues, what are their big plans. How do they plan to bridge the gap, fix the test scores. Will they be interested in the NJ Transit student population (that wink, wink, doesn't exist). These are some of the questions that have to be answered.
Probably the biggest question that comes to mind is Who will be the next President of the Board of Ed???????

Saturday, March 10, 2007

I Need to Vent

Mayor Katz, Deputy Mayor Parker, Councilwoman Kates, TCCP, Councilwoman Honis, Board of Education members, Councilman Rudolph, Gussen and more, are all some examples of recent blogs, posts, comments and Dear Editor letters. The question that I hear is, Is this fair.
It is obvious that there is no elected officials safe from the power of the pen and keyboard.
How does a resident voice their feelings and concerns about their elected officials and organizations lobbying the town? The good and welfare portion of the Council meetings are limited and may not be the appropriate forum. If you are anonymous, your merit is questioned. If you write your name, you get attacked.
Some posts are malicious and hateful, but that doesn't mean they are inaccurate.
When you need to vent, it is good to have a place to do it.

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Love Is In The Air

Last week's Planning Board meeting was different from all the rest! My friends in attendance thought it was a rather positive meeting . Everyone had the opportunity to give input as the chair allowed open dialogue from the audience. There was so much participation throughout the meeting that during the "good and welfare" portion, no speakers got up to comment. It appears that the Planning Board is headed in the right direction towards a process that will provide us with a master plan that is reflective of our collective opinions and views. Members of the Teaneck Coalition against Change and Progress were present and gave a tremendous amount of positive input as well. Former Mayor Jackie Kates, who is typically known for her sour grapes and anti-everything, also contributed constructively. The Planning Board members seemed to work in sync with each other and were not grandstanding or showboating for publicity as some have been accused of in the past. Keep up the great job.....I enjoy seeing peace,love and harmony.

There will be another Town Hall Meeting 7:00PM on Monday, March 5th at the Rhodda Center.