Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Victory for the Teaneck Coalition Against Change and Progress


Because you have shared in their lives by your friendship and love
you are invited to share with us as we celebrate our victory at the Palisades Avenue Chemical Factory.

After months of organizing, attending the Planning Board meetings, attacking the Council, The Planning Board members and all who dared to see any merit or spoke up in favor of exploring an alternate use at the site, we WIN!!! There will be no change at the factory. As per the Record, we get to keep the chemical factory that will produce and distribute detergents and cleaning solutions. That sounds a lot better then having a housing development overlook the park. The factory will have 16 Trailer loading docks, 54,000 square feet of industrial space, 69 parking spaces, 100 employees and a RR siding.

The event will take place on the 7 acre site owned by the Holuba Realty. BYOB. RSVP.


Thursday, April 5, 2007

How well do you know the candidates for the Board of Ed?

The disgraced New Beginnings team is working very hard to try and stay under the radar. A few obvious observations. First, same people attacking and writing letters. Second, same homes have lawn signs as before. Is it just a coincidence or are the Teaneck voters going to be tricked into electing a TNB candidate. The election is not looking good for one of our dedicated incumbents. As my fellow blogger pointed out, why should we get involved in this election. Let the chips fall......
But then we remember, that the majority of our taxes are controlled by the Board of Education. What about the future of Teaneck's youth? Can we afford to just leave them in the hands of certain individuals. At a time when gang violence is rising in our schools, it is our responsibility to elect strong leaders that will not ignore or avoid problems, but will address them head on. Go with who you know.