Saturday, January 27, 2007

With Your Help We Can Help-Teaneck Police

This is the title of the new mailing from the Teaneck PBA. I was looking at the list of the past contributions on the letter they sent, and it didn't mention that the Teaneck PBA contributed thousands of dollars $$ in a failed attempt to take over the Council. I am not suggesting that they used the same money that they collect from their annual drive, but it would be nice to know where that money came from and why were they so interested in gaining control of The governing body that makes legislation and controls salaries and wages for the police. At a time when we question the loyalty of our elected officials that work for the County or State-ie: Parker, Kates & now Rudolph. One only has to ask, what are the payback requirements if you are beholden to the employees and Teaneck unions. Parker should have to sit out on the salaries and police portion of this years budget.
I wish the PBA well on its drive, but after their disgusting, unprecedented interference with last years Council election, for this fund drive, my check will NOT be in the mail.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Board of Education Election

With the last Council election seeing the interest of more then 15 candidates, one is to wonder just how many people will be filing petitions for the Board of Education election this Spring. There are three seats open and rumor has it that one of the incumbents will not be running. This year's hot topic will have to be (as mentioned in the previous posts and comments) taxes and who will do what and how. Suposedly the BOE is rolling out a 5% increase(this is after The Record reported several months ago that most Bergen County schools are underfunded, except our Public Schools which is overfunded by millions of dollars). Although 5% might not seem like much, just remember the Board of Education budget is approximately 80 million dollars. You do the math!
As most people are aware, the Council extended an invitation to the Board of Education to use the Teaneck residents of the Financial Advisory Board (FAB) and have a Board of Ed member sit on the FAB as well. Not so well received by some members of the Board of Education. I hear that as a result of the FAB, the President of the Board of Education stopped the monthly meetings with the Council subcommittee all know, the one to work on shared services, save Teaneck tax dollars and better communications amongst our elected officials. As the parent of a public school child, I must say this is Bad for the Council, Bad for the Board of Ed and most importantly, bad for the Teaneck residents.
We should support the candidates that will think out of the box and not rubber stamp inflated budgets prepared by administrators and managers.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Taxes Taxes Taxes !!!

We are six months away from getting our tax bill and finding out just what effect the revaluation had on our taxes. While I did not go to the budget meetings in January, I hear that the Council has been combing through the budget line by line to find savings for the Teaneck residents. While I applaud the Council's & the infamous FAB serious efforts to reduce taxes, if the Board of Education that controls 60% of the taxes, doesn't do the same then we will all be in for a big surprise when we get our tax bills. We should encourage our Council members to keep scrutinizing and find cost saving measures and remind their Bd of Ed counterpart to do the same.